Data Carpentry Course at SZN

The BIOINforMA group at SZN is proposing to PhD students (but also to interested post-docs and researchers) an introductory course on data management and visualization in R. The course is based on the so-called Data Carpentry approach.

Data Carpentry is aimed at training researchers in the core data skills for efficient, shareable, and reproducible research practices.

it is a two-day hands-on workshop designed for participants with no programming experience. It will teach students how to handle big datasets employing R. The specific topics covered are: Thinking beyond Excel, Introduction to R, Working with data in R, Working with command line and automation, Bioinformatics, Data handling.

by the end of the workshop each participant should be able to combine, refine, edit, merge and visualize large datasets in an open and reproducible way.

Alessandra Vigilante, from the King’s College of London, UK.


Day 1.
Morning: Data organisation in spreadsheets;
Afternoon: Introduction to R and Rstudio.

Day 2.
Morning: Data manipulation using R;
Afternoon: Data visualisation using R.

More details about the course are available here

each participant should bring her/his own laptop equipped with R, RStudio and Excel.

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